McManus Kitchen and Bath provides a single place where you can work with interior design and construction professionals who can help you create a happy, healthy home. We start each project with a Design and Budget Consult. It will help you clarify your design ideas, understand the remodeling process and create a Good Better Best Budget for your project. Click Here to Schedule a Consult
Project: Build Two Loft Beds
Location: Lake Jackson, Tallahassee
Cost: $900
Customer Review:
“Paul is knowledgeable, works effectively and efficiently, keeps you up to date on how things are going along the way, and most importantly, is incredibly affordable! I will hire him again for the next home project!” Dana Urritia, Lake Jackson
A growing family runs out of room quickly! We built a bed for this homeowner in the girls room and this time we returned to build two beds in the boys room. The youngest wanted a Fort Bed, whereas the older one just wanted a simple bed. It was a fun project that really added a lot of space to a small room. The challenge in this room was the ceiling fan. We had to be careful to build the beds so that the fan could still operate. It was close but it just fit.