New Bathroom Trends



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bathroom trends

If you are considering a bathroom remodel is always good to keep up to date with the latest bathroom trends. A great site for that is Not only do they have thousands of bathroom images that can be filtered and searched through but they have a great forum for asking questions and well written articles like the one embedded below.

Choose Your Bathroom Trends Wisely

Be careful which bathroom trends you try and mimic though… you don’t want to chose a trend that becomes the shag carpet of our era!  In general chose trends that you find attractive and make sense for your budget and lifestyle.

A couple rules

Rule One:  If you can afford to remodel your bathroom every 5 years, do whatever you want! But if you are like the rest of us and may only remodel once or twice in your lifetime then stick to Rule # 2: If something is hard to change (like tile or a bathtub) be conservative in your style choices. If it is easy to change (think paint, faucets and vanities) then you can be a little more daring.

Some of 15 Bathroom Trends in the article below are a little out there, other make a lot of sense. We’ll let you read the article and judge for yourself but here are a few of our favorites:

Wood Walls in the Bathroom

Wood walls, either shiplap walls or tongue and groove really give a bathroom a spa like feel. You’ll want a decent sized bathroom to pull this off though.

Creative Tile Patterns

We like being conservative with tile colors, except for maybe an accent strip or two. But you can lay tile in all kinds of patterns and even a plain white subway tile looks fantastic in a herringbone or basket weave pattern.

Industrial Chic

This look is not for everyone but we love it.

Read the whole article here

Thank you for reading! We’d love to be a part of your next remodel. Check out our design services page