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Outdoor kitchens can be elaborate or simple but they should all share common design features
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Outdoor kitchens are gaining in popularity and for good reason. Tallahassee has a great climate for cooking outdoors (at least most of the year) and cooking outdoors helps keep the home cooler in the summer and keeps odors from grilled meats and veggies out of the house.
An outdoor kitchen can be as simple as placing a grill on the back porch but if you want to up your game a bit and create a really great cooking and entertaining space consider these tips. An outdoor kitchen should be as functional as your indoor one and should minimize the trips you have to make inside. A few things your outdoor kitchen should have:
A Gas or Charcoal Grill
It all starts with the grill. We all like to drool over the big stainless steel monsters you see in the big box stores but consider buying a smaller grill like the Weber 1200. Its still big enough to cook burgers or steaks for the whole family but it conserves gas, heats quicker and is easier to clean and store. Plus it’s portable so you can take it with you to the beach or ball game.
You could even consider two small grills – one gas and one charcoal. Gas grills are great for quick cooking but charcoal grills can add a lot more flavor to you meats.

Ditch the monster grill and go for a small high quality model
An Outdoor Kitchen Sink
Adding a sink to your outdoor kitchen could be as simple as attaching a garden hose to a cheap sink and faucet and running a drain line into a hole in the ground filled with gravel. Or you could actually plumb the sink properly. Either way a sink is essential for saving trips in and out of the house.

reuse an old sink and faucet – credit:

Go all in with a high end sink and faucet
Prep Space / Serving Space
You need to have at least 24 inches of prep space, preferable more. Not only will you need it to cut and prepare food but it can also be used as a serving area when the food is done.

Add ice storage to your prep table and keep cool drinks nearby

Concrete counter tops are perfect for the outdoors
Your outdoor storage needs to be waterproof and preferably dust proof. Store simple cooking tools and cleaning supplies near the area you will use them. Minimizing the trips in and out of the house is key.

Storage should keep your things dry and dust free. Credit:
Good lighting in and around the outdoor kitchen is essential when it comes to both functionality and ambiance.

Thank you for reading! We’d love to be a part of your next remodel. Check out our design services page
Paul McManus,
Certified Residential Contractor, CRC1331326