Want A Walk In Shower? Here are Some Pro’s and Con’s To Consider




McManus Kitchen and Bath provides a single place where you can work with interior design and construction professionals who can help you create a happy, healthy home. We start each project with a Design and Budget Consult. It will help you clarify your design ideas, understand the remodeling process and create a Good Better Best Budget for your project. Click Here to Schedule a Consult


If I was building a new home today or remodeling a bathroom I would definitely consider adding a walk in shower. What does that mean?  Don’t we walk into all showers? Other names you might have heard are door less shower, curb less shower or barrier free shower. They are not all the same thing but the terms are used interchangeable by many people.

A walk in shower is a shower without a door, so the the term door less shower also works. A Curb less shower has no curb, or ‘lip’  or threshold – that 6″ step that creates a barrier between the shower floor and bath floor. Barrier free showers and curb less showers are the same thing. Curb less showers, if sized correctly, are also ADA compliant. Barrier free or curb less showers can have a door, or be a walk in.


Bathroom Storage Shower Niche

An example of a walk in, or door less, shower. This shower is also barrier free but is not ADA compliant because it is too small.

Walk In Shower Pro’s

They look Great

They have a lot of design options and look stunning. They can be designed with linear drains and large format tile or smaller mosaics. They can be barrier free or have a curb.


If built properly door less showers are ADA compliant and an important part of Aging in Place design.

Easier to Clean

With less glass and a larger footprint walk in showers are easier to clean and tend to dry faster. They also feel more open and airy.

Large Enough for two

They are larger and can often accommodate multiple shower heads

No More Wet Socks

Our favorite design is to create a long shower with a bench on one end. That allows you to shower and dry off without leaving the wet area. When you step out of the shower your nice and dry and don’t leave wet footprints on the bath floor.


Vintage Look Bath Remodel – $12,500

Walk in shower with a curb. This bath was upstairs so accessibility was not a consideration


Cost to Build

They need to be larger so that water does not splash outside the shower. That mean more tile, more labor etc…


Door less showers can be drafty. If you often get the chills in the shower then a walk in might not be the right choice. You can still do a barrier free shower or ADA accessible shower with a door.

Size Limitations

This is less of a direct negative of door less showers themselves but more or a design issue. Homeowners and design professionals often try to fit in a door less shower where there really isn’t room to do on properly.




Aging In Place Bathroom Design

A barrier free shower with large format tile create a clean, open feeling to the bath


Ask Us Questions

If you’re considering a door less or barrier free shower and have some questions just give us a call – 850-354-8090. We’ll be happy to help.

Thank you for reading! We’d love to be a part of your next remodel. Check out our design services page

Paul McManus

McManus Kitchen and Bath