Remodeling 101 – Preparing for Your Remodel

Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Tallahassee


McManus Kitchen and Bath provides a single place where you can work with interior design and construction professionals who can help you create a happy, healthy home. We start each project with a Design and Budget Consult. It will help you clarify your design ideas, understand the remodeling process and create a Good Better Best Budget for your project. Click Here to Schedule a Consult

Preparing for Your Remodel: It Starts with You

The keystone of every successful project is you. An experienced remodeler can and will give you all kinds of support, but you know your home better than anyone and are best suited to presenting workable ideas to your contractor.

Over the years I have done many, many estimates and the best-prepared homeowners always wind up with the best projects. Here are a few things to consider:

1. Make sure your project suits your home and your lifestyle

We often meet clients who want to do more than can possibly be achieved in the space available. Before you go too far with a particular idea, sketch it out, grab the measuring tape, and put it to a reality test. You want to have a somewhat workable plan, also called a scope of work, in place before calling a contractor.

If you’re stuck and can’t imagine what to do give us a call or browse our Project Gallery.

2. Have back­up ideas 

It’s not unusual for something a client envisions to be impossible or too expensive to construct. At times like that, it’s good to have another idea or two in reserve.

3. Know the true extent of your budget 

Our website has a lot of information on the cost of various projects and no one stretches a budget dollar further than we can. But there are limits.

Better to execute a slightly smaller plan perfectly, than overextend yourself with a plan that costs too much. Sometimes it’s even better to wait six months or a year while you save more money for your ideal remodel.

We’ll discuss more about budgeting in a later email called Good Better Best Budgeting… your gonna love it!

4. Plan for the inevitable discomfort of having construction going on.

We will do everything humanly possible to minimize mess, dust, and inconvenience. Still, there’s no getting around the fact that building is naturally noisy and brings strangers into the house. Think through how where you will store the items in your kitchen or bath while it is being worked on…. how will the family routine need to change etc…

Be ready to discuss those things with your contractor and ask how he or she usually deals with those issues.

Action Step: Make 3 lists:

  1. What You Don’t Like About the Space
  2. Who uses the space
  3. Prioritize the things you would like to change.

Thank you for reading! We’d love to be a part of your next remodel. Check out our design services page
