Get a Good Better Best budget for your project without leaving the comfort of your home.
Virtual consults can be as simple as a phone call or sending an email with some pictures attached. We can also do a complete Design and Budget Consult by using video chat apps and Zoom meetings.
Here’s How We Do Virtual Consults
1. We’ll start with a phone call
Tell us about your project or issue that your are having with your kitchen or bathroom.
After the call we’ll ask you to send us some pictures of the room so we can review it before our video chat.

2. Video Tour of Your Home
We use the Google Duo video chat app. It works on iOS and Android devices. Its free to install and you don’t need to have an account.
We’ll ask you to walk us through your kitchen or bathroom while using the phone’s camera to show us the space.
3. Video Conference To Review Your Budget
We’ll schedule a meeting Via UberConference so we can review design options and your Good Better Best Budget.

If you prefer an in person meeting here is how we are doing them safely:
If you’ve worked with us before you know communication is very important to us. We are customizing solutions for every client based on their needs and following CDC ans OSHA Guidelines.
In The Showroom
- The showroom is open by appointment only. We only have 1 client (or couple) in the showroom at a time.
- We have three .1 micron HEPA filters running at all times in the showroom
- We are spacing visitors and staff – we have a large design table and multiple screens that allow us to sit 3 feet apart (the CDC recommended distance)
- The showroom has been cleaned thoroughly and we are disinfecting samples after each use.
- We are asking that all visitors to the showroom wash their hands upon arrival and we will do the same.
On The Job Site
We’ve spoken with all our trade partners to make sure they are also taking this seriously. We are following all CDC and OSHA guidlines on site.
- We are using plastic barriers to isolate the work are from the home
- We are running our Job site HEPA filters continuosly to clean the air **
- We have provided supplies for washing hands and disinfecting tools.
- We’ve scheduled subs to be on the job site one at a time.
- For all projects currently scheduled we have ordered all materials and they are being stored in our warehouse so we do not expect any delays due to supply chain issues.
** our jobsite HEPA filters are .3 micron and most viruses are around .1 microns. Still it is considered up to 5X more effective than doing nothing.
Our Staff
Our staff have been great. They are staying informed and are being proactive.
- Designers can work from home if needed, though currently everyone is coming in.
- All our full time staff are provided with health insurance and paid time off.
- Staff are monitoring their health for even mild illness and will stay home if necessary.
Here are the signs we are posting on our job sites and offices
The Florida Health Department has posted some very useful posters on their website:

- HANDS – Wash them often
- ELBOW – Cough into it
- FACE – don’t touch it
- FEET – stay more than 3 ft apart
- FEEL – feel sick? Stay at home.
PSA from WHO (World Health Organization)
McManus Kitchen and Bath provides a single place where you can work with interior design and construction professionals who can help you create a happy, healthy home. We start each project with a Design and Budget Consult. It will help you clarify your design ideas, understand the remodeling process and create a Good Better Best Budget for your project. Click Here to Schedule a Consult