McManus Kitchen and Bath provides a single place where you can work with interior design and construction professionals who can help you create a happy, healthy home. We start each project with a Design and Budget Consult. It will help you clarify your design ideas, understand the remodeling process and create a Good Better Best Budget for your project. Click Here to Schedule a Consult

Warning: Your new roommate is going to wake up early, be a bit loud and, if you’re not careful,could make quite a dust storm. For anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months or more.
Dust control:
How we handle these issues at McManus Kitchen and Bath
Timeline, schedule and logistics.
Our project management system, BuilderTrend, helps us manage the project schedule and streamlines communication with the homeowner. During the pre-construction meeting we gather relevant subcontractors, MKB principals and the homeowner to review the schedule and identify any potential issues. Things like parking and equipment storage are outlined in our proposal.
Dust Control
Our dust control system is 3 fold.
- We use ZipWall barriers to isolate the work area from the rest of the house
- We install specialized drop cloths on the floors and cover furniture
- We operate a 600 CFM HEPA filter throughout the project
You can read more about our system, called Livable Remodeling, by clicking here.
Thanks for reading! We’d love to be a part of your next remodel. Check out our design services page.
Paul McManus
McManus Kitchen and Bath